Thursday, March 31, 2011

perfect summer cocktail!

So I'm not sure where you are reading this blog from, but where in LA the summer buzz is in the air. So I offer you a refreshing original cocktail that I have come up with to help you beat the heat.

So here is what you will need

-3 slices of an english cucumber
-1/2 oz of lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
-1/2 oz of clover honey syrup (this is three parts clover honey to one part warm water)
-3/4 oz of lillet blanc
-1 1/2oz of a london dry gin.
-top with soda water

prep shaker by lightly muddling the cucumbers, then add lemon, honey, lillet, and gin in to your shaker. Shake with ice then strain over fresh ice, and to finish top with soda water, and garnish with a slice of cucumber.

However I am having a little trouble naming this cocktail. Right now I am leaning towards            "Aestas Estas" but that is just not sticking for me. So I ask you my fans to help me out with a name. Just throw this cocktail together, try it and, send in the name that you think fits the best. Cheers everyone.

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