Thursday, December 16, 2010

The holiday's are here!

  So I have been getting many requests for the perfect holiday Cocktail, and I have been giving some friends some great cocktails to start their holiday party off right. But what about you guys my fans in quest for the perfect cocktail? Well I thought that I would whip some stuff up and share it with the world. Now if you are throwing a party I really suggest you whip together a large punch for you and your guest. This way you can make it before your friends arrive, and that way you are not busy all night making single servings all night miss your own party. However if you are like me and you know making single servings will quickly become the life of the party then hear are some great holiday cocktails. 
    The first is a something I am calling the "Christmas Margarita"(actually this is a classic drink called the infante, but myself and many of my fellow co workers refer to it as "Christmas in your mouth") which is:
            - 2 oz of tequila Blanco
             -3/4 oz of lime juice
             -3/4 oz of orgeat  (Orgeat syrup is a sweet syrup made from almonds)

-Shake with ice and then strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice. Dash of two to three drops of rose water, and then shave nutmeg and cinnamon on top. 

Next is a cocktail that I came up with for my good friend Hawlie Ohe and her web site called and this is called a "Partridge in a Pear Tree" Which is:
            -1½ oz pear vodka
              -½ oz lemon juice
             -½ oz simple syrup
Shave over ice and strain into a champagne glass or coupe, top with champagne or sparkling wine and garnish with a rosemary sprig. 

And there you go some great cocktail ideas that will wow your friends and make you the life of your party.

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