Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In quest to find the perfect cocktail

  My name is Brian Justin Stewart and I am setting sail today on my journey to find the perfect cocktail. How does one find or justify the perfect cocktail? -Some might ask. Well, it really is a never ending quest, but I have made it my passion to understand the cocktail and the history around it. The truth is that the Perfect cocktail for me might just indeed be out there, but that might not be the perfect cocktail for you. And that is what this blog is all about. It is really a journey for all who want to come on it. I will review bars, recipes, and anything Mixology related so that I might aid you in finding your perfect cocktail.

  Lets start with a history lesson. Back in the day, early settlers would finish their day of labor, and with about an hour or so of day light left they would travel to the center of their town to sit at the tavern. Now this is not a bar like you and I are used to seeing. They would walk in and there would be large tables with a large bowl in the center of table. People would sit at these tables and talk about their day, and solve problems between neighbors. All this, while they shared a punch bowl filled with Punch that was a combination of luxurious ingredients. The drink was made using the rinds and juice of imported lemons, limes, and even oranges- commonly mixed with rum, and white or brown sugar.
 It was not till some where near 1876 when a man named John Collins realize the potential money making possibility of these punches. So he creates a single serving cocktail called (you guessed it) "A John Collins". It would take a while for this single serving cocktail to catch on but, there you have the foundation of what we now know as are favorite bar. So lets raise a glass and give thanks to all who laid the foundation of the cocktail, and to John Collins for making are wallets a little less heavy when it comes to splitting the tab, and lets set sail on this quest to finding the perfect cocktail.

Cheers everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck bro. Country club 40! I can get you one when you get tired of looking!
